Saturday 19 March 2011

A New Venture

As each week goes by, I seem to be getting further away from writing fiction.  Much of my time is now taken up content writing for websites and other companies that accept freelance writers.  This is turning into a good part-time income, but there always seems to be a need to diversify.

In addition to writing, I've been learning a lot about Internet Marketing and have now got my first site.  It's a health directory that is a useful place to find out about health, fitness and beauty.  It is also a good deal to owners of other related websites with a very reasonable pay-per-click system in place.

I hope this new venture goes well, but it's giving me valuable experience to build on the various Internet related marketing techniques I've been learning recently.

How is everybody getting on with their writing, and have you been diverted off your original path?  I'd love to hear about your experiences....


Wednesday 9 March 2011

Hi again everybody.  Things have been very busy for me since my last blog as I've not gone self-employed now I have a regular income at last.  It's been quite a haul, and I have had to take my writing a slightly different direction, but at least its an income.

Fiction has now been put more on the back-burner as my income is coming in from article's and content writing for private clients and several sites I ghostwrite for.  My ambition is still to be a fiction writer, and that is my first love, but sometimes we need to compromise and go where the money is - sadly.

More updates soon...