Thursday 27 January 2011

Suite101 continued.

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well?

It's been a busy time since I last posted with doing my course work for the Writers Bureau and doing about 40 articles online for various sites but mainly  I'm really enjoying writing on a variety of subjects and doing the research and finally the dollars are starting to come in.  I'm not going to be rich but if I carry on like this, it's certainly equal to going out and doing a part-time job of about 25hrs per week.  At least if I carry on like this I'll be able to become self-employed soon - something I've dreamed of for so long.

Please feel free to contact me if you fancy trying online articles, I'm just so grateful I saw it in one of the writers magazines I subscribe to.

Until next time, take care and keep on writing!

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Well today has been busy so far.  I'm trying to crack on with my horror story and so far so good.  I've got most of the plot planned out and the character's fleshed out, now (or maybe tomorrow) I can start writing it!
I've been busy checking out other ways to bring in some pennies (or Pounds even better) and a good one seems to be Xomba.  The site seems to give you greater freedom to allow personal opinion than some others, and you seem to get paid quicker that suite101.  Having said that, the performance from 5 articles on Suite gives me hope that it is worth working for - time will tell.
If anybody fancies trying out these sites for little effort and some extra cash (hopefully?) here's Xomba
Please let me know what you think. 

Sunday 9 January 2011

Suite 101

I'm trying out the opportunities at  It seems there is some 'pocket money' to be made there, but this over the long term and it helps knowing SEO (which I don't).

Here's some articles i've done for them:-

I'm certainly not expecting anything more than a few dollars to start with as the site pays out on how many viewers use the click-to-buy Adsense, but we'll see.


Welcome as I venture into the land of blogging. I have been a user of the internet since the early 90's but for some reason I have not really looked into electronic forms of media publishing.

As my bio says, I have been a writer of many years gradually venturing into the world of ebooks and other online media.  When I started writing it was in the days of typewriters and carbon paper, so I decided it was time to start using the new media opportunities to good effect.

I hope you will subscribe to this page and join me in my voyage of discovery, and that you are entertained with what happens.